Metisderm S.O.S Scalp Solution 1+1

30.00 USD 58.00 USD
Basic Discount28.00 USD
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Damaged scalp protection

Relieve itching caused by dry skin

Strengthening the barrier


Main Ingredients:

Alchemilla Vulgaris Extract, Glycerol and Hyaluronic acid etc. (Natural Ingredients)


Recommended type:

- Person who often feel itching due to dry skin

- Person who feel discomfort in lift with dandruff.

- Person who has damaged scalp due to inflammation


How to Use:


1. Apply the product to the damaged skin barrier and massage by hand.

2. Apply repeatedly 1~4 times a day.

(However, if hair styling is difficult, rinse after using the product.)


NO Steroid NO Artificial fragrance NO Pigment

50g spray

(Hospital prescription products)




Metisderm S.O.S Scalp Solution 1+1

30.00 USD 58.00 USD
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Quantity   0
Total price 0 USD
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